Book Reviews, News & Updates theresa babbitt Book Reviews, News & Updates theresa babbitt

All Creation Groans Book Release!

We are happy to say that, All Creation Groans: Toward a Theology of Disease and Global Health, edited by Daniel W. O’Neil and our very own Beth Snodderly was recently released! This book is a legacy project of WCIU's founder, Dr. Ralph D. Winter and contains contributions from Richard Gunasekera, a current board member. Our former board chair, Mike Soderling wrote the book’s Foreword. Congratulations to all who worked so hard to make this a reality!

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Superwomen, Dance, and Pentecost:

You won’t want to miss this multicultural service conducted in German, English, and Kikuyu with plenty of DANCE! by Tanzanian women, an African dancer, and Irina Jang in celebration of Pentecost!

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Women theresa babbitt Women theresa babbitt

Irina Jang & The God of the Fire Dance

In this post, we hear from Irina Jang, a professional circus artist and performing artist as she share her experience meeting God through dance and how He used her passion to carry her through the darkness of 2020 with Fire Arts.

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Presidential Address theresa babbitt Presidential Address theresa babbitt

Resting in His Big Heart

Recently, in reflecting on the weight of the circumstances surrounding us; both communally (COVID, current events like mass shootings and racial tensions) and personal (you fill in the black), Dr. Kevin Higgins stated that, "[All of these things are] just a reminder to myself and to us. And it is good to remember that everything we hear about, and know about, and face is something common to many, many others all over our world. Overwhelming, yes. But a healthy necessity. So, allow it, embrace it, even seek it sometimes."

He then said to also be reminded that, "There is a bigger Heart that holds it all. And I have nowhere to go but to place my small heart in that big Heart."

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Women theresa babbitt Women theresa babbitt

Empowering Women with Tax Justice

In this short clip, Erika Dayle Siu* explains the connection between empowering women and tax justice and how important providing for the common good is to the well-being of women across the globe. She unpacks the major themes in a newly-released book titled, Tax Justice and Global Inequality, which she co-edited with Krishen Mehta and Esther Shubert.

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