征文启事 中国跨文化语境中的女性变革推动者 最近更新时间: 2024/2/15

Call For Papers: Women Agents of Change in Cross-Cultural Chinese Contexts



最近更新时间: 2024/1/1







WCIU是一所以信仰为基础的私立大学,旨在培训发展从业人士。它提供平衡的、基于研究的教育计划,从而改善和促进全球发展实践。WCIU 的使命是提供创新的远程教育计划,以提高学者-从业者的效率,因为他们与他人一起为世界各地人类问题的根源制定转型性解决方案。


在全球范围内,妇女被公认为发展中的关键角色,从最小的机构(家庭单位)到国家、区域和国际领域。 本次征集旨在鼓励女性主导的倡议产生有据可查的实践和政策,以更好地探索在中国及中国跨文化环境下的转型发展的轮廓。

积累妇女作为变革推动者的证据将影响妇女领导的计划和项目的设计、捐助者的投资和支持。 本次征集希望有贡献于以妇女作为领导者或参与者从而带来转型变革的发展动力的知识体系。我们强调基于多个相关观点的研究和调查(社会文化、历史、圣经、经济和可持续发展)。




我們鼓励符合上述资格标准的个人提交研究专文摘要。 摘要的最大长度为英文500字或中文750字。

为了进行评估,摘要 必须 包括以下要素:

一. 研究项目的拟议名称

二. 研究的背景,以及它打算解决的问题的明确陈述(最多100个英文单词/150个汉字)

三. 研究目的、目标、研究问题以及这些与影响预期变更的相关性(最多 200 个英文单词/300 个汉字)

四. 研究方法:简要概述您计划如何进行研究,即数据的来源以及如何收集数据(最多 100 个英文单词/150 个汉字)

五. 预期结果,说明研究问题将如何帮助实现这些结果(最多 100 个英文单词/150 个汉字

摘要 评价标准

提交的摘要将首先使用以下 3 个门槛问题进行评估。

一. 摘要是否如上文概述所定义的那样属于全球发展的范畴?

二. 摘要是否涉及中国的跨文化背景?

三. 摘要是否指出妇女是变革的推动者,而不仅仅是发展的受益者?

如果上述任何问题的答案是否定的,则摘要将不予考虑入选。如果所有 3 个问题的答案都是肯定的,则摘要将根据以下标准和权重进入下一个评估阶段:

相关性 (40%)

  • 该研究有可能为支持妇女领导的倡议的政策和实践提供参考

  • 有为妇女主导的全面发展倡议提供具体和可扩展的解决方案的潜力

研究的质量和严谨性 (60%)

  • 研究问题和目标的明确性

  • 研究方法的适当性



  • 背景和介绍 (10%)

  • 研究方法(30%)

    • 研究问题和目标 (5%)

    • 研究伦理的考量 (5%)

    • 数据收集和解释 (20%)

  • 研究结果(55%)

    • 女性主导的转型发展举措的记录和分析(30%)

    • 跨学科分析:圣经观、历史观、文化观和相关发展领域 (10%)

    • 倡议項目的可持续性 (5%)

    • 研究意义(10%):

      • § 为支持女性主导的倡议的政策和实践提供信息的潜力

      • § 为妇女主导的全面发展倡议提供具体和可扩展的解决方案的潜力

  • 结论和建议 (5%)




5月 31, 2024 (太平洋时间晚11点) 提交摘要

请在摘要封面(第一页)注明研究标题、申请人的姓名和单位,第二、三页上注明标题和摘要內容。(除封面外,不要在摘要的任何地方包含您的名字,以保持我们的盲目审查过程)。 把摘要用电子邮件传给Tony Pina (tony.pina@wciu.edu), 邮件名为“ICS-WI Abstract”。

6月 21, 2024 (太平洋时间晚11点) 通知申请人


12月 1, 2024 (太平洋时间晚11点) 提交最终研究专文

2025年1月31日 (太平洋时间晚11点) 奖项颁发





通过在本次征集下提交申请,申请人同意将他们提交的文件披露给 WCIU 内部参与提案评估和选择过程的审查员。除非申请人与 WCIU 之间另有约定,申请人进一步同意在选定专文的公告中披露其姓名、首席研究员姓名和研究标题,。

WCIU收集的有关资助申请人的所有个人信息都用于审查申请,管理和监督资助,以及促进和支持发展项目。根据这些目的,除非申请人与 WCIU WI 之间另有约定,申请人应注意并期望 WCIU 收集的信息可能会在 WCIU 支持的活动中使用和披露。


在提交申请时,您必须向 WCIU 声明任何实际、明显或潜在的利益冲突。如果此类利益冲突无法得到令WCIU满意的解决,WCIU保留拒绝考虑任何申请的权利





William Carey International University (WCIU) is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity, implemented through its Institute of China Studies (ICS) and Women’s Institute (WI).

This Call for Papers (“Call”) aims to advance the accumulation and use of research evidence of women as change agents contributing to Chinese cross-cultural and global development.

At WCIU, we understand global development as integrative of biblical, historical, and cultural perspectives. We see transformation —the flourishing of relationships with God, with one another, and with creation— as the ultimate goal of development.

This Call will support research on women-led and evidence-based projects that demonstrate a straightforward application of global development in a Chinese cross-cultural context. The Call will address ways to support and scale up women-led initiatives that promote the development of communities and/or of women in particular. Prize-winning papers will receive an award of US$3000 for 1st prize and US$2000 for 2nd prize.


WCIU is a private, faith-based university established over 40 years ago to train development practitioners. It provides balanced, research-based educational programs leading to improving and furthering global development practices. WCIU’s mission is to provide innovative distance education programs to enhance scholar-practitioners’ effectiveness as they serve with others to develop transformational solutions to the roots of human problems worldwide. 


Globally, women are recognized as key players in development from family to national, regional, and international spheres.  This Call seeks to encourage the generation of well-documented practices and policies of women-led initiatives to better explore the contours of transformational development in China and Chinese cross-cultural settings.


Accumulating evidence of women as agents of change will influence the design of women-led programs and projects, donor investment, and support. This Call aims to add to the body of knowledge on women's development dynamics as leaders or participants that lead to transformational change. We highlight research and investigation informed by multiple related perspectives (socio-cultural, historical, biblical, economic, and sustainable development).  



The Call for Papers is open to individuals researching women (Chinese working in cross-cultural settings or foreign nationals working in China) as agents of change in their areas of influence, including education, health, business, arts, human resources, leadership development, and cross-cultural ministry. Candidates are encouraged to write a research paper incorporating insights from multiple related perspectives, i.e., socio-cultural, historical, biblical, economic, and sustainable development.



Interested individuals who meet the above eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply to this Call by submitting an abstract. The maximum length of an abstract is 500 words in English or 750 characters in Chinese.  

To be evaluated, the abstract must include the following elements:

1.       the proposed title of the research project 

2.       the background for the research, and a clear statement of the problem that it intends to address (max. 100 English words/150 Chinese characters)  

3.       research purpose, objectives, research questions, and how these are relevant to affect planned change (max. 200 English words/300 Chinese characters)  

4.       research methodology: a brief outline of how you plan to conduct your research, i.e., the source of data and how they will be collected (max. 100 English words/150 Chinese characters)  

5.       anticipated results, specifying how the research questions will help achieve them (max. 100 English words/150 Chinese characters)  


Abstract Evaluation Criteria

Abstracts submitted will first be evaluated using the 3 Threshold Questions below.  

1.       Does the abstract demonstrate global development as defined in the Overview above?

2.       Does the abstract address a Chinese cross-cultural context?

3.       Does the abstract point to women as agents of change as opposed to being exclusively recipients of development?

 The abstract is dismissed if the answer is NO to any of the above questions. If the answer is YES to all three questions, the abstract proceeds to the following evaluation stage according to the following criteria and weighting:

Relevance (40%)

  • A clear demonstration that the research has the potential to inform policies and practices to support women-led initiatives

  • Potential to generate concrete and scalable solutions for women-led initiatives for holistic development

Quality and Rigor of the Research (60%)

  • Clarity of the research questions and objectives

  • Appropriateness of the methodology



Short-listed individuals will be invited to  submit a final paper of 5,000-6,000 words in English or 7,500-9,000 characters in Chinese. The final paper will entail further elaboration of all aspects described in the abstract in addition to the presentation and interpretation of the research data. The final paper will be judged based on the following critical criteria.

  • Background and introduction (10%)

  • Research methodology (30%)

o    research questions and objectives (5%)

o    how research ethics are taken into consideration (5%)

o    data collection and interpretation (20%)

  • Results of the research (55%)

    • Documentation and analysis of women-led initiatives in transformational development  (30%)

    • Interdisciplinary analysis: biblical, historical, cultural, and related field of development (10%)

    • Sustainability of initiatives (5%)

    • Significance of the research (10%):

      • potential to inform policies and practices to support women-led initiatives

      • potential to generate concrete and scalable solutions for women-led initiatives for holistic development

  • Conclusion and recommendations (5%) 



Upon submission of final papers by the researchers, the Review Committee established by the ICS & WI will evaluate the papers and choose the prize recipients. If no submissions meet the above criteria, no prizes will be awarded. The prizes include an Outstanding Paper Award of $3,000 and one Excellent Paper Award of $2,000. The paper must be an original piece that has not been previously published and will be submitted for editorial review in the WCIU Journal on development unless otherwise agreed upon.



  • May 31, 2024 11 PM PST - Submission of Abstracts                                                                           
    Applicants submit a cover page with the title, applicant’s name, and affiliation, followed by a page with the title and abstract. (Do not include your name anywhere in the abstract apart from the cover page to preserve our blind review process.)   Email Tony Pina at tony.pina@wciu.edu with the subject line “ICS-WI Abstract.”

  • June 21, 2024 11 PM PST - Applicants Notified                                                                                           
    WCIU corresponds with applicants to let them know whether they have been selected to develop full research papers.

  • December 1, 2024 11 PM PST - Submission of Final Paper 

  • January 31, 2025 11 PM PST - Prize Awarded


Research Ethics 

There might be cases (e.g., human subjects research) where applicants may need approval from the national research ethics body or an official institution before commencing research. In this case, the applicants are responsible for getting the research permit or approval from the official institutional or national research ethics body in their respective countries.   

Permission for Use, Disclosure, and Retention of Information 

By applying to this Call, applicants consent to disclose the documents submitted to the WCIU reviewers involved in the proposal assessment and selection process. Applicants will need further consent to disclose their name, the name of the lead researcher, and the research title in any announcement of selected papers unless otherwise agreed upon between the applicant and WCIU. 

All personal information collected by WCIU about grant applicants is used to review applications, administer and monitor grants, and promote and support development projects. In line with these purposes, applicants should note and expect that information collected by WCIU may be used and disclosed in WCIU-supported activities unless otherwise agreed upon between the applicant and WCIU. 

Conflict of Interest 

In applying, you must declare to WCIU any real, apparent, or potential conflict of interest. If such a conflict of interest cannot be resolved to WCIU’s satisfaction, WCIU reserves the right to reject any applicant from consideration immediately. 


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